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ActualitéVOGUE | It’s hard to leave the new Richard Mille St Martin flagship
Richard Mille X William Amor

VOGUE | It’s hard to leave the new Richard Mille St Martin flagship

For a watch store, you’d expect to see more timepieces on display. But then again, the Swiss luxury watch brand Richard Mille has never been one to do things too typically. That’s the case with its newly unveiled Richard Mille St Martin flagship in Singapore, the first of its kind and largest in the world for the brand, located just on the edge of Orchard Road.

The 700 square metre space, formerly a restaurant, is less a boutique and more a concept space. Conceived by the brand’s in-house architecture team from its Paris headquarters and built over three years, Richard Mille St Martin is said to be a physical embodiment of the brand founder’s headspace. “Our intention,” shared brand director Alexandre Mille, “was to play with visitors’ expectations.”

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    William Amor, trouve l’origine de sa démarche artistique dans une volonté de mettre l’art au service de la poésie, du vivant et de l’écologie. Avec ses œuvres singulières, sensibles et porteuses de sens, l’artiste propose un autre regard sur tout ce qui nous entoure et ce dont nous avons oublié ou dénigré la présence, l’existence et l’origine.